

Experimentalism in Digital Platform Markets: Antitrust and Utilities' Convergence, 2024 U. Ill. L. Rev. (forthcoming 2024).

D for Data Waste, with Roxana Vatanparast, in Michael H. Picard et al. (eds.), Wastiary: A Bestiary of Waste (UCL Press, 2023).

Self-Regulating Platforms and Antitrust Justice, 101 Tex. L. Rev. 165 (2022).

A Genealogy of Digital Platform Regulation, 7 Geo. L. Tech. Rev. 1 (2023).

Data Cooperatives in Europe: A Preliminary Investigation, 24 Network Industries Quarterly 12 (July 2022), with Morshed Mannan and Janis Wong.


Consent as a Free Pass: Platform Power and the Limits of the Informational Turn, 40 Pace L. Rev. 307 (2020).


From Ethics Washing to Ethics Bashing: A Moral Philosophy View on Tech Ethics, 2(3) J. of Soc. Computing (2021).


Dissolving Privacy One Merger at a Time: Competition, Data and Third Party Tracking, 36 Comp. L. & Sec. Rev. (2020), with Reuben Binns. 


Data Waste, Harv. Int’l L. J. Online (April 2020), with Roxana Vatanparast. 


From Ethics Washing to Ethics Bashing: A View on Tech Ethics from Within Moral Philosophy, Proc. of the ACM Conf. on Fairness, Accountability and Transparency (FAT*/FAccT) (2020).

The Discourse of Consent and Control over Data in EU Data Protection Law and Beyond, Aegis Paper Series, Hoover Institution (2020).

Truth and Deception Across the Atlantic: A Roadmap of Disinformation in the US and Europe, Italian J. of Pub. L. (2019), with Oreste Pollicino.

Data is power: Towards additional guidance on profiling and automated decision-making in the GDPR, 2 J. of Information Rights, Pol’y and Practice (2017), with Frederike Kaltheuner.

Defining Art for Copyright: Against the Museum without Walls, 16 UCL Jurisprudence Rev. (2010). 





Other Selected Writing

Online Speech at the US Supreme Court in Moody v. Netchoice, Verfassungsblog (On Matters Constitutional), July 2024.

Six Reactions to the Proposed TikTok Ban, LPE Blog, March 2024.

Seven Reactions to Biden's Executive Order on Artificial Intelligence, LPE Blog, December 2023.

How Not To Regulate Digital Platforms, LPE Blog, November 2023.

Data, Context and Competition Policy,, March 2023.

Antitrust’s Crossroads, CIGI, Jun. 2022.

How the Free Software and the IP Wars of the 1990s and 2000s Presaged Today’s Toxic, Concentrated Internet,, Jan. 2022.

Is the goal of antitrust enforcement a competitive digital economy or a different digital ecosystem? Ada Lovelace Institute Blog, Jan. 2021.

Explainer: Competition, Data and Interoperability in digital markets, Privacy International, Aug. 2020.

Free Speech is Circular: Trump, Twitter, and the Public Interest, Berkman Klein Center Medium, Jun. 2020.

Rethinking Digital Platforms for the Post-Covid Era, CIGI, May 2020, with Jennifer Cobbe. 

The Coronavirus (Safeguards) Bill 2020: Proposed protections for digital interventions and in relation to immunity certificates (April 2020), with Lilian Edwards, Michael Veale, Orla Lynskey, et. al.

Locked-In Data Production: User Dignity and Capture in the Platform Economy, SSRN, 2019 (working draft).

Locked-In Data Production: User-Dignity and Capture in the Platform Economy (sort version), For The Record Blog, May 2019.

Dissolving Privacy, One Merger at a Time: Competition, Data and Third Party Tracking, Critical Reflections Blog, Oct. 2019, with Reuben Binns.